Advertiser Information

Where and how you can advertise with us

Advertising Opportunities

There are a number of opportunites to advertise with us if you have products or services that may be of interest to walkers, hikers and ramblers.

Accommodation in a walking area?

We can help get you bookings in a number of ways:

  1. We can show your location and details directly on the maps of routes local to you with a link through to your own website. (£10 per year)
  2. You can have a banner ad at the top of the accommodation page for your county - this is limited to 2 advertisers per county. (£20 per year)
  3. How about a full page ad linked from both on-map ads and a banner ad? (£40 per year)

Business near one of our walks?

We can show your location and details directly on the maps of routes local to you with a link through to your own website. You would be shown with an icon denoting your business type (gear shop, café, pub). When a visitor clicks on your icon they see a pop-up with your details and website link. (£10 per year)

National or online business?

If you look at the top-right of our pages you’ll see a slot used for graphical ads. These ads are randomly selected from a set of at most 10 available ads. This means that your ads will be shown on at least 10% of page impressions for our site and will be seen nation wide. (£100 per year)

Got ideas of your own?

While the above options describe or standard advertising offerings we’re always open to suggestions for innovative ideas for mutually beneficial collaborations.